
The bloc that FYI will be creating will be fundamentally based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Climate diplomacy is meaningless without this basis. There can be no hope for a prosperous future for the world without responsible climate diplomacy. Moving the world to Carbon Neutrality and beyond that to Climate Neutrality is a daunting task but one that FYI is eager to attempt successfully. The world needs leadership now at a time when polluter nations are banding together, when polluter nations are shackling the underdeveloped and undeveloped countries of the world in intergenerational debt and trade obligations that entrench devastating climate change.

Famously a slogan said, "There is a no planet B" and this is the most simple point of departure for all countries which are hesitant to engage in responsible climate diplomacy. The change from being a minor polluter nation to being a responsible global citizen that advocates for Climate Neutrality will awaken in the nations that choose this path, a profound sense of achievement that they have never felt before. The destruction of the environment is a behaviour that has gone unpunished for too long and the future generations of the world must be free of it completely.

FYI pledges to unite countries on the basis of the common goal of achieving an equitable solution to the problem of climate change. FYI pledges to work with all partner countries to enhance their prosperity in the Climate Neutral economy of the world. FYI pledges to include as many ordinary people as is possible in the creation of opportunity at a local economic level that makes Climate Neutrality a tangible and practical reality in the lives of ordinary people. FYI invites you to join in the process of getting the world working towards Climate Neutrality by inviting FYI to meet with your diplomatic representatives to get the discussions started.

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